Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dogs In History

July 20th, 1969
Fritz, a six year old golden retriever raised by NASA, keeps apollo astronaut Michael Collins company in the orbiter while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon. Fritz entertains Collins by chasing his tail in zero gravity, and Collins rewards Fritz with dehydrated steak nuggets.

October 3rd, 1990
East Germany and West Germany set aside their differences and Germany is unified once again. In a display of goodwill, an East German shepherd named Adolf and a West German shepherd named Svenka fornicate twice. The whereabouts of the resultant litter are currently unknown.

December 31st, 1999
Cowering in fear of Y2k, humanity waits for midnight with baited breath. In Connecticut, Winston, a 12 year old standard poodle, waits for midnight with dogbreath. When the computers don't shut down at midnight, humanity releases a collective sigh of relief, and Winston passes gas audibly before shuffling out of the room.

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