Friday, October 27, 2006

E. Honda's Oscar Acceptance Speech

Wow. "No damn cat, no damn cradle," right? I don't know what to say... just... wow. There's so much that I want to say, so many people who I want to thank, that I guess I had better just get right to it. Six years ago, when I started trying to adapt [Kurt Vonnegut's] Cat's Cradle into a screenplay, I had a lot of people telling me that they didn't think it could be done. But I also had a lot of people who were really encouraging and supportive, and they deserve mention.

First off, I'd like to thank Chun Li. She's the one who first encouraged me to try my hand at screenwriting, and I don't think I ever would have written anything if it wasn't for her. I've also got to thank Blanka. Blanka, I don't think Vonnegut himself knows his work as well as you do, and thank you so much for introducing me to Cat's Cradle. They're flashing the light at me, so I've got to wrap this up, but Dhalsim, Ryu, Ken- thank you so much for helping me with the initial readthroughs. In giving voice to my characters you helped me to find the nuanced emotional tweaks that needed to be made, and the work is infinitely better thanks to your input.

Of course, the film could never have been made had it not been for Guile, who believed in the project so much that he hand-delivered copies of the script to the heads of Sony, Paramount, Fox Searchlight, and Warner Independent Films. They're flashing that light again, but I have just one thank you left- Zangief, my director of photography. When we were shooting the film's opening sequence in the adirondack mountains, we had a significant bear problem. Zangief wrestled each one of those bears, and gave two of them spinning piledrivers so that production could continue unabated. He risked his li... excuse me, I'm getting a little choked up. He risked his life- against bears- for this film. So, Zangief... from the bottom of my heart... thank you. This one's for you.

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