Sunday, October 29, 2006

Things Pumpkins Say To One Another When One Of Them Has Been Poorly Carved And The Other Doesn't Want To Be A Jerk About It

"No no no- it shows off your stem in a good way. Really."

"I'm sure it just looks that way because it's backlit. It'll be fine in the moonlight. Seriously."

"Yeah, it shows a little more flesh than normal, but there's a lot of guys in the patch who really go for that sort of thing. Honestly."

"Nobody's eyes are the same size or shape, when you really look at them. Trust me."

"I... uh... wow. Just wow. I guess you could say I'm blown away. Really, really blown away."

1 comment:

  1. This is about the pumpkin I carved at Jill's, isn't it? Ass.


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