Monday, October 30, 2006

Travel Guides For Bacteria: Agar Beach

Welcome to beautiful Agar Beach!

Ok, so you're not actually here yet, but don't you wish you were? Agar Beach is renowned throughout the bacterial world as a premiere vacation destination, and this year it's more affordable than ever. Been putting off your trip to Agar Beach because of financial concerns? Set your cares aside, friend, for if you book your trip now, you can have a relaxing weekend at glorious Agar Beach for just $739! Just $739! That includes airfare from anywhere within the contiguous United States, plus lodging and meals from friday through monday! And don't forget about all the accoutrements our four star resort has to offer:
  • Cytoplasmic massage!
  • Polyhydroxyalkanoate buffet- open 24-7!
  • Aerobic and anaerobic exercise courses!
  • Horizontal gene transfer stations!

    ...and for the single, adult, bacterium:
  • Asexual cloning booths!
  • Lysogenic viral farm!
  • Shiatsu pili massage with fragrant oils!

What's that? You still aren't convinced?

You're right- Agar Beach does sound too good to be true. Of course we love it- we work here! So why don't you just take a look at some of our previous visitor's testimonials and decide for yourself if Agar Beach is right for you!

Russell, streptococcus
I don't travel much, but boy am I glad I went to Agar Beach! It was the most relaxing weekend of my whole life cycle! Thanks, Agar Beach!

Janet, listeria
The flagellal massage I got at Agar Beach was wonderful! I can't wait to go back!

Kenneth, chlamydia
I sure do get around, but whenever I go to Agar Beach I just want to stay!

Amy, salmonella
I thought I'd end up staying in my room the whole weekend, but Agar Beach's activities planner made sure that I had a great time! I climbed a rock wall and visited a cilia salon all in one day! Thanks, Agar Beach!

So what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Agar Beach today!

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