Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Animals That Would Be Far More Formidable If They Had Superpowers, And The Superpowers That Would Make Them So

The Woodchuck, Marmota monax
Current Powers:
  • Burrowing
  • Foraging
  • Gnawing

More Formidable Powers:
  • Super speed
  • Geomancery
  • Ability to commune with other animals

The Atlantic Herring, Clupen harengus

Current Powers:
  • Swimming
  • Schooling
  • Eating plankton

More Formidable Powers:
  • Ability to grow and shoot spines
  • Invisibility
  • Teleportation

Western European Hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus

Current Powers:
  • Rolling into a ball
  • Hunting insects
  • Hibernating

More Formidable Powers:
  • Ability to grow and shrink at will
  • Impenetrable skin
  • Teleportation

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