Thursday, November 23, 2006

Awkward Situations For Cyborgs

  • "Sir, please check to make sure your pockets are all empty. The other people in this line have flights to catch."
  • "Oh hey, Rick- this is the guy I was telling you about. Arxon-4800, this is Rick Deckard. Rick Deckard, this is Arxon-4800."
  • "Oops! I really need to reset the timers on these sprinklers."
  • "Yeah, the shag carpet's really nice, but it builds up a lot of static electricity. Try not to touch anything metal."
  • "No, the best scene in Terminator is when Schwarzenegger gets crushed in the crusher- just like the piece of cyborg trash he is."
  • "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend Arxon-4800. Arxon-4800, these are my parents. Did you know that I was raised as a Luddite?"

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