Sunday, November 26, 2006

Practical Uses For Super Powers: Reed Richards (a.k.a. Mr. Fantastic)

After surviving bombardment by comic rays, Reed Richards was granted the ability to stretch and distort his body. Here are some practical uses for this amazing power:
  • Changing lightbulbs in hard to reach places
  • Sticking his head up to look for acquantainces in large crowds (and to be seen by said acquaintances)
  • Extending his legs slightly, thus increasing his stride and walking speed
  • Reaching into vending machines to procure snacks free of charge
  • Expanding lung walls, to increase oxygen intake and thus athletic endurance
  • Forming into a thin sheet and riding wind currents around town to help reduce CO2 emissions
  • Slightly changing size to make clothes which don't quite fit fit well

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