From the found journals of D. melanogaster
Dear Flyary-
Today was soooooooooooo embarassing. I sat talking with Ronald (yes, the guy from the banana) for nearly an hour. When he finally took off, I realized that the entire time I had had a bit of melon on my proboscis! Why wouldn't he say anything? I guess it's probably for the best. He wouldn't stop rubbing his wings together the entire time we talked. Hello-o??? I just met you. Calm down.
Dear Flyary-
My time has come! I'm pregnant with about 400 eggs. But you know me- nothing ever goes smoothly. I ended up laying about two dozen eggs on the surface of a wax apple today. A wax apple! Can you even imagine? And, of course, I don't even get the dignity of being able to run off and pretend like it didn't happen, because that jerk Melanie caught me in the act. She thinks she's so great because she's laid so many eggs already, but if you ask me, there's nothing great about being a sperm bank with wings.
Dear Flyary-
What a day... where do I even begin? I ran into Ronald again (yes, the guy from the banana and YES, I'm through with him). We were talking for a little while, and he starts going on and on about fathering children and getting that look in his eye, so I decided to buzz off- right into a window! Gosh. I must have looked so stupid, storming away so angrily into a pane of glass. I even tried to avoid running into "the other fly," but I guess you can't avoid your reflection. As if that wasn't bad enough, I landed in a glass of ice water when I fell! Luckily, some compassionate human fished me out and sent me on my way, but I thought I was done for! As is, I got the customary "Ick, look what's in my drink" routine... Thanks, fella- like I wanted to be here in the first place? As if. I swear- if my klutziness doesn't kill me one of these days, I'm just going to die from embarassment.
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