Dear Doctor Wily:
I've been paying attention to your affairs in the media since 200X, and I've noticed that you've been having recurring problems with this Mega Man character. To an outside observer, it would seem that there is no robot you are capable of contructing which he is not capable of defeating. Clearly, you are aware of Mega Man's prowess (at this point it would be hard for you to ignore it) and thus diversify your minion's armaments in an attempt to find some weakness of his. Divide and conquer, yes? One robot attacks with fire, another with ice. One uses whirling metal blades and one fights with leaves. Had somebody told me ten years ago that leaves would one day be used as weapons I would have called them crazy- and yet here we are. Well done.
As creative as your attempts at world dominance are, they suffer from a lack of long-term planning, for each of your robots has a mysterious weakness to another one's weapon. This would hardly be an issue, save for the fact that every time Mega Man's buster bests one of your bots in battle, he adds their weapon to his arsenal knowing full well that whatever his newly acquired weapon may be- boomerangs, little drilling explosives, whatever- it will destroy one of your other automatons in just a few well-timed hits. You know what your weapons can do- you built them! Think ahead! Don't make your robots so vulnerable to one another! Beyond that, you've clearly figured out how to build some sort of material which can repel Mega Man's buster blasts entirely- whatever it is that makes the helmets of those little yellow guys. You know, the ones you clearly based on turtles. Whatever. If you're serious about this world dominance thing, then act accordingly. Nobody's gonna hold your hand through this one, but I thought I'd at least offer you some advice, as a colleague in the field.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik, Roboticist
P.S. Also- use more spikes. Nothing can survive spikes.
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